Life is Good

Journal Prompt Guide: Expressing Gratitude and Embracing the Good in Life

As someone who has spent more years in depression than out of it, taking a closer look at your life and recognizing all the great things about it can be transformative. When days are often filled with numb feelings, exhaustion, anxiety, and self-criticism, practicing gratitude can be a powerful way to shift your perspective. Use the following journal prompts to help you express gratitude, feel it deeply, and know that life is good.

Daily Prompts for Gratitude and Reflection

  1. Morning Gratitude

    • What are three things you’re grateful for this morning?

    • How can you show appreciation for these things throughout your day?

  2. Small Joys

    • List five small things that made you smile or brought you joy recently.

    • How did these moments make you feel, even if just for a brief time?

  3. Personal Strengths

    • Identify one personal strength or achievement you’re proud of today.

    • Reflect on how this strength has helped you overcome challenges in the past.

  4. Positive Interactions

    • Recall a positive interaction you had with someone recently.

    • What did this interaction teach you about yourself and others?

  5. Nature’s Beauty

    • Describe a moment in nature that brought you peace or happiness.

    • How can you incorporate more moments like this into your life?

  6. Acts of Kindness

    • Write about a time when someone was kind to you or when you were kind to someone else.

    • How did this act of kindness impact your mood or perspective?

  7. Daily Accomplishments

    • What is one thing you accomplished today, no matter how small?

    • How does acknowledging this accomplishment make you feel about yourself?

  8. Mindful Moments

    • Describe a moment today when you felt present and mindful.

    • How can you create more of these moments in your daily life?

  9. Support System

    • Who are three people in your life you’re grateful for?

    • How have these people supported you, and how can you show your appreciation for them?

  10. Self-Care

    • Reflect on a self-care activity you did recently.

    • How did this activity help you feel more connected to yourself and your well-being?

Weekly Reflection Prompts

  1. Weekly Wins

    • What were three positive things that happened this week?

    • How did these moments impact your overall mood and outlook on life?

  2. Gratitude Letter

    • Write a letter to someone you’re grateful for. You don’t have to send it; just focus on expressing your appreciation.

  3. Growth and Progress

    • Reflect on how you’ve grown or progressed in the past month.

    • What positive changes have you noticed in yourself or your life?

  4. Lessons Learned

    • Identify a challenge you faced recently and what you learned from it.

    • How has this lesson helped you grow or see things differently?

  5. Vision for the Future

    • Imagine your ideal life and write about it in detail.

    • What steps can you take now to move closer to this vision?

Monthly Review Prompts

  1. Monthly Gratitude Review

    • Look back at your daily and weekly entries.

    • What patterns of gratitude do you notice? How do these patterns reflect the goodness in your life?

  2. Celebrating Achievements

    • List your achievements and milestones from the past month.

    • How do these achievements make you feel about your journey?

  3. Positive Impact

    • Write about how practicing gratitude has impacted your mental and emotional well-being.

    • What changes have you noticed in your outlook on life?

  4. Reevaluating Goals

    • Reflect on your personal goals and aspirations.

    • How have they evolved, and what steps can you take to continue pursuing them with a grateful heart?

Final Thoughts

Journaling about gratitude is a powerful tool to shift your focus from the struggles to the positive aspects of your life. By consistently practicing these prompts, you can begin to cultivate a deeper sense of appreciation and joy, even amidst the challenges. Remember, every small step counts, and acknowledging the good in your life can pave the way for greater emotional and mental well-being.


Gratitude Journal Prompts: Tracking Coincidences and Good Things


Goal Setting